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04/15/2007 Removed the right column on the home page and increased the box and image sizes for featured acts.
04/13/2007 After neglecting this project for way too long, I've finally done something to improve the site.

The featured acts are now rotated automatically once a week. This is how it works:

  • The top ten acts are selected by the number of upcoming gigs listed.

  • The current featured acts are eliminated from that list.

  • The two acts from the remaining eight with the longest time since the last time they were featured are selected as the new featured acts.

This means that an act can be featured every 5 weeks as long as it stays in the top 10 number of upcoming gigs.
04/17/2005 Changed the default in the search bar drop-down box. The default is now Bands if the user is on a band page or Entertainers if the user is on an entertainer page. Otherwise the default is still Venues.
Removed the Search menu item until the advanced search capability is available.
03/16/2005 Added a javascript calendar to the gig entry page. No, this will not accept multiple dates yet but will in the future.
The old method of entering dates and times is still there for users that do not have javascript enabled in the their browser.
Note that if you use the calendar to change a time, you'll have to click on a date to update it. If you've already clicked on the date, just click it again. Times entered via the calendar are rounded down to the closest 15 minute interval.
New gigs now have a default time of 9:00 PM instead of the current PST time.
Changed box type from a label to a button on the Maintain Act Boxes page with a column heading of Update. The buttons function the same as the Edit buttons in the right column but hopefully will be more intuitive for new users.
03/10/2005 We've added a page for users that have act pages. After you log in that page will give you the option to go directly to your act's update page. If your login owns more than one act, you will be able to choose which one you want to update. Pressing No Thanks will take you to the Home page.
03/07/2005 The date and time for Showcase I has been set.
The date is May 1, 2005 starting at 2PM
The place is Whispers in Glen Burnie, MD
More details coming soon.
02/22/2005 We now have Live Help. If we're online you can chat with us. Get answers to problems using the site or general questions. If we're not online you can send a message.
02/11/2005 The My Settings menu options are now active. Once logged in you can change your name and address, password, email address, default location, rows per page and newsletter options.
02/08/2005 Added character counters to Act Descrption and Act Bio Text entry fields.
02/07/2005 Added sort options to Places Played, Influences and Songlist setup. Bands can now choose to have this data display in sorted order. The songlist can be sorted by song title or by artist.
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